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Industry problems

Predicting customer experiences in business banking

Banking and finance

For: Absa Bank 

Led by: Prof. Riaan de Jongh

Use a raft of variables on historic transactions, banking products used, and demographics to try predict whether a client is satisfied with the bank's offering... find out more

Unturned stones: Astronomy below the survey threshold


For: Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy

Led by: Dr. Jonathan Zwart and Prof. Bruce Bassett

Hunt for increasingly complex signals buried in amongst measurement error and other noise in visibility data captured by MeerKAT/KAT7 pathfinders... find out more

Predicting the abundance and distribution of Cape Leopards

Statistical ecology

For: Cape Leopard Trust

Led by Prof. David Borchers

Use images of leopard captured on camera by "camera traps" to estimate how many leopard survive in the Western Cape, with important implications for their conservation... find out more

Collapsing viral next generation sequencing data


For: Center for AIDS Research

Led by: Dr Ben Murrell

Next generation genomic sequencing provides huge opportunities for HIV research, if we can just figure out what to look for. Data reduction is the first step in this process.

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Can clever feature extraction improve income prediction models?

Retail and marketing

For: Eighty20

Led by Dr. Melvin Varughese

Learn about clever use of features. Use your imagination to help an online marketing company transform a few demographic variables into a powerful prediction of income.

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